
Hey everyone! My name is Skylar and I am a first year graduate student just trying to navigate life. Here are some things you should know about me:

  • Colorado girl through and through
  • Brunch, books, and cat memes give me life.
  • Obsessive studier and procrastinator (yes, both at the same time)
  • I love nice things, but live off a grad school budget
  • Although, this blog may make it seem like I have my life together, I have no idea what I’m doing 90% of the time, but I’m figuring it out as I go and chasing what makes me happy.
  • BS in business and BA in anthropology
  • Working on masters of anthropology
  • Working a full-time marketing job (RIP me)
  • Extroverted introvert
  • Mom of the friend group (someone has to be painfully blunt, right?)

Navigating adult life is hard! I am here to share my experiences hoping I can save you some time, heartache, and money. You’ll find my posts can range from How To Make Your Monthly Student Loan Payments to how I To Decorate Your Apartment On A Budget. Enjoy!